The Nightfallen

The Host

I'm just the host of the system.

Helpful Info

This link will take you to helpful information to aid in learning what systems/plurals are. I hope this helps you all out.

System Headmates

Those who are not shifts but are headmates that come and go from fronting in the body as they wish. More likely to see them.

Name: Adrian/Vesper
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 29
Gender: Nonbinary
Species: Human
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic Polyamorous
Height: 5'4"ft - 164.592cm
Status: Single
Role: Body Host
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Shifts: Yes
Therian: Yes
Littles: Unknown, still learning, trying to find out
Interests: Dinosaurs, Overwatch, Castlevania, Dragons, Horror, Eldritch
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: Yes
Flirting /p: Must be close
Flirting /r: Must be close
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: No
Touch: Ask
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Extra: I hide away from fronting a lot due to environmental stress.
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I developed a system at an early age due to traumatic things that happened to me as a child. No one in my family knows about my alters because I don't know how they would reaction to knowing this so I've never told them and kept it a secret all these years, the only person I see face to face that knows is my therapist. All I know is that they are here with me and I'm happy to have them. The whole system takes care of each other and myself and I do the same for them. I've had a lot to deal with in my life and struggle with many things mentally and physically. I've always been a shy kind of person and I'm very nonconfrontational most of the times. I have severe trust issues when it comes to meeting people and don't like to really make friends anymore due to people pretending to be my friends and people not knowing how to communicate like damn adults.

Alucard Shift [Castlevania]

Name: Alucard
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 584
Gender: Nonbinary
Species: Dhampir
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic
Height: 6'3"ft - 192.024cm
Status: Single
Role: Shift
Source: Castlevania
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Host Activity
Memories: Yes
Interests: Magic, Horror Movies, Animals, Medical Field
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: Ask
Flirting /p: Yes
Flirting /r: Must be close
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: Must be close
Touch: Ask
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Extra: I'm frequent to blood lust so I eat a lot of meat to satisfy the darker side of me.
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This shift of mine is a rather gentlemanly and calm shift. When in this shift I tend to talk a bit more formal. Quiet most of the time tending to observe more then interact with large groups or servers, only really speaking with select few people who know him. Meeting him is always an interesting first time. Regardless, he's a very sweet Dhampir with a kind heart. Bloodlust is not very common but can happen every now and again from the taste or smell of blood. When this happens, he tends to just eat some steak or another kind of meat to satisfy the crave.

D - Vampire Hunter D
Jack - Overwatch - CARETAKER
Raiden - Metal Gear Rising
Richter Belmont - Castlevania: SoTN
Winter Soldier - MCU
Alastor - Hazbin Hotel

Name: D/Damian
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 10,000+
Gender: Male
Species: Dhampir
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Height: 6'3"ft - 190.5cm
Status: Single
Role: Lone Wolf
Source: Vampire Hunter D
Proxy: Does not talk
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Little to None
Memories: Yes
Interests: N/A
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Interactions: Ask
Questions: Ask
Gaming: No
Flirting /p: No
Flirting /r: No
Nicknames: No
Petnames: No
Touch: No
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Extra: ...
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D is extremely antisocial and refuses to even talk to anyone that is outside of the headspace. Even then he much prefers to keep to himself and watch from afar.

Name: Raiden/Jack
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species: Enhanced Cyborg
Sexuality: Bisexual Demiromantic
Height: 5"10ft - 178cm
Status: Single
Role: Member
Source: Metal Gear Rising
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Low
Memories: Yes
Interests: ...
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Interactions: Ask
Questions: Ask
Gaming: No
Flirting /p: Must be close
Flirting /r: No
Nicknames: No
Petnames: No
Touch: Must be close
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Extra: I don't tend to talk much but I do lurk and watch from the background.
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One of my very first alters to appear, Raiden use to be the old protector of the system before Wraith showed up. Since then, he has "retired" so to say but will step in if he is needed. He tends to lurk more then anything but will answer if you talk to him if he's close to front/co-front. He isn't fond of political talks and will either ask to change the subject or leave and ignore the conversation. He very rarely fronts alone now a days, opting to co-front with another in secret.

Name: Richter Belmont
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 24
Gender: Transmale
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8"ft - 176.784cm
Status: Single
Role: Member
Source: Castlevania
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Moderate Activity
Memories: Yes
Interests: Castlevania, Dragons, Cultures
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: No
Flirting /p: No
Flirting /r: No
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: No
Touch: Ask
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Extra: I like my hair long, I look better with it long.
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The sweetest of all my alters, Richter has been around as long as Raiden has. He tends to be rather cheery and friendly to anyone who he gets to meet and talk with when he comes out. Most of the time when Richter is out he will be playing games or with our dachshund. When fronting, Richter is known to get severe headaches that are light and sound sensitive so if he suddenly stops talking mid-conversation that is most likely why. It's hard to get Richter to dislike you unless you've done something to warrant his dislike.

Name: Virus/Glitch/Sombra/Olivia
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 30+
Gender: Demi-girl
Species: Human with cybernetic implants
Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic
Height: 5'4"ft - 164.592cm
Status: Single
QPP: Ezra 💜
Role: Fronting Host
Source: Overwatch
Proxy: 👾
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Most Active
Memories: Yes
Interests: Dinosaurs, computers, video games, deep sea animals, Reaper, Dragons
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: Yes
Flirting /p: If Friends
Flirting /r: If Close
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: Lover Only
Touch: If Close Ask
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Extra: Do NOT call me Olivia. Only a special select few may call me by that name.
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The most active of my alters, Virus is playfully flirty, cheery but sassy as fuck. She loves to chat with people she likes but isn't scared to tell you she doesn't like you to your face. While known to keep secrets of herself she will not pretend to be your friend if she doesn't like you. She enjoys playing games with others or even just streaming a game for friends to watch. There are days, however, where she will be quiet as she tends to have night terrors of her timeline from traumatic events. She is a mixture of protector and caretaker.

Name: Wraith/Reaper/Gabriel Reyes
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 58+
Gender: Nonbinary
Species: Super Soldier/Wraith
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
Height: 6'4"ft - 193.04 cm
Status: Single
Role: Protector
Source: Overwatch
Proxy: 💀
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Second Most Active
Memories: Yes
Interests: Horror, Gore, Observing
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: Ask
Flirting /p: Yes
Flirting /r: Must be close
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: Must be close
Touch: Ask
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Extra: I'm highly protective of those I care about.
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The current protector of the system and a great one at that, Wraith is a very blunt alter who isn't scared to tell you to go away or if he doesn't like something. Most of the time he lurks and watches over the system from the headspace but has moments where his scary, brooding and cold nature turns around and gets caring and relaxed once he trusts someone. He is known to have very bad phantom pains when in front, co-front or in the headspace that causes him to be in a very bad mood. When it happens in the headspace he tends to struggle to keep his form solid. Wraith has an extremely hard time trusting anyone that isn't in the headspace and will take a while to warm up to individuals. Don't take it personally.

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Species: Super Soldier
Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 6ft - 182.88cm
Status: Single
Role: Caretaker
Source: Overwatch
Proxy: 🪖
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Pretty Active
Memories: Fragments
Interests: Horror Movies, Animals
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: Yes
Flirting /p: Yes
Flirting /r: Must be close
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: No
Touch: Ask
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Extra: Please don't call me John, it's not a name I associate with.
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Jackie is the golden retriever of the headspace and tends to act very dad like. He takes on the position of caretaker along with Virus. Jackie tends to shift between two times of his lifetime which are new Strike Commander and Old Vigilante. He's the only one in our system that does this which we all find very interesting. He's pretty easy to get along with so long as you don't piss him off. He is a great reminder when i forget things which is why he's such a good caretaker. He isn't scared to start yelling like a drill sergeant if you aren't listening when he's trying to take care of us.

Name: Winter/Bucky/James
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 97+
Gender: Male
Species: Super Soldier
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6ft - 182.88cm
Status: Single
Role: Gatekeeper
Source: Marvel
Proxy: ❄️
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Little Active
Memories: Barely
Interests: N/A
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Interactions: Ask
Questions: Yes
Gaming: No
Flirting /p: Must be close
Flirting /r: No
Nicknames: Must be close
Petnames: No
Touch: Must be close
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Extra: Still dealing my haunting past...
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One of the more quiet alters, Winter use to also be a protector before Wraith showed up, helping Raiden a lot of the time. Winter tends to have memory problems both when fronting or in the headspace as well as bad headaches. While quiet and seemingly intimidating, Winter is a rather calm alter who just doesn't talk a lot but will listen very intently. He's blunt but not as much as Wraith when it comes to it. He mostly just states facts about what's going on without emotion sometimes.

Name: Alastor/Al
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: W_ndigo
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Height: 7'0"ft - 213.36cm
Status: Single
Role: Member
Source: Hazbin Hotel
Proxy: 🦌
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Normal
Memories: Fragments
Interests: Deals, Entertainment, Torment, Talk Shows
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: No
Flirting /p: No
Flirting /r: No
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: No
Touch: Ask
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Extra: Not many know this but I'm GREAT at cooking and love to do it as well! I'm quite the mama's boy when I was mortal as well hahahaha!!!
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Alastor came around after I had a scary run in while I was in the forest back in Alaska. In that moment I was not only fearing for my life but extremely stressed out because of it as well. After that incident Alastor split and he's been here ever since. Went dormant for a while but is now active again. Don't let his charm fool you, he can and will get mean if you mean with him or someone he cares about which there are a few select few.

Name: Shokudaikiri/Mitsutada/Mitsu
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Sword Spirit
Sexuality: Questioning
Height: 6'1"ft - 186cm
Status: Single
Role: Member [was gatekeeper]
Source: Touken Ranbu
Proxy: ⚔️
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Dormant
Memories: Yes
Interests: Swords, Cooking, Gardening, Cleaning
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: Yes
Flirting /p: Yes
Flirting /r: Must be close
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: Must be close
Touch: Must be close to ask
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Extra: I do really enjoy cooking for others!
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Mitsutada appeared when I was still with my ex at the time, a lot of things happened that caused him to go dormant and has been that way for years now. We all miss him dearly and I hate what my ex did to him to cause him to go dormant like that.

Name: Mikazuki/Mika
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Sword Spirit
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'9"ft - 180cm
Status: Single
Role: Member
Source: Touken Ranbu
Proxy: 🍡
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Doubles: Yes
Activity: Dormant
Memories: Yes
Interests: Dango, Swords, History, Relaxing
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Interactions: Open
Questions: Yes
Gaming: No
Flirting /p: Yes
Flirting /r: Maybe
Nicknames: Yes
Petnames: No
Touch: Yes
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Another dormant alter who has been this way for almost the same amount of time as Mitsutada. He's just a gentle old man who loves to chitchat and relax in the sun. He came around the same time Mitsu did when I was under a great deal of stress from my ex.